Deep Drawing and Hydroforming metal, Custom Fabricated Flexible Plastic Film, Large Plastic Storage Containers, Plastic Pallets, Plastic Thermoformers, and Tie down Assemblies.

JH Nunn Associates offers outstanding production and service capabilities meeting the needs of many industries with cost-effective and integrated solutions. From the toughest industrial applications to the most sensitive electronic and aerospace jobs, rigorous inspection and analysis ensure that our products perform reliably in the most challenging environments.
Established in 1978, JH Nunn provides a diverse selection of products and services to a wide variety of industries. We are committed to customer satisfaction through quality and consistency. Our president John Nunn holds a bachelor's degree from Cornell University and an MBA from the University of Michigan. His extensive experience in metal and plastic fabrication and in various aspects of the material handling industry can help you fill some of your most challenging requirements.
As you explore our website, you can browse to the various product categories by clicking on the pictures on the Homepage or by clicking on the headings on the upper left-hand side of the Homepage. Deep Drawing and Hydroforming metal is on the first page. Custom Fabricated Flexible Plastic film is on the page 2. Thermoformed Plastic is on page 3. Large Plastic Storage Containers along with Plastic Bulk Containers and Totes are on page 4. Plastic Pallets are on page 5 and Tie down Straps and Hardware are on page 6.
Custom Capabilities
Browse to the section that relates your requirement and look over the products and the capabilities we offer. If you have any questions or require any further information please contact us and let us try to answer your questions and solve your problems. If you need a quotation please Request A Quote and let us know what you're looking for. We will try to get you an answer as soon as possible.